THE MARRIAGE ACES: Digital Version
New scientific research on Peak Experiences shows what extraordinary possibilities we have for loving - what profound joy and ecstasy we all have as potentials within ourselves.
Inspired by this knowledge we can craft a marriage which is filled with deep and abiding love and bliss - but we need to know how.
Marriage Aces is a co-operative reality 'game' which teaches lovers how: how always to play with a full hand of aces. The four aces represent the four strategies necessary and sufficient to get to 'Happily Ever After'. It also gives lovers the tools to practice those strategies to mastery. The winner in Marriage Aces is always the same: your relationship.
Michael developed Marriage Aces over a period of twenty years. It was field-tested first in his own marriage (now forty years on), and then cross-checked with the best and most current research, especially that of Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Sue Johnson. Marriage Aces has been used by many couples over the course of the last twenty years, and when implemented with enthusiasm it really works!
Your full deck of the Digital Marriage Aces, an indispensable gift that is your ally for a long and successful union.